Meeting documents

Dorset County Council County Council
Thursday, 20th July, 2017 10.00 am

  • Meeting of County Council, Thursday, 20th July, 2017 10.00 am (Item 51.)

Recommendation 30 – Local Government Reform


Cllr Mary Penfold, as the Vice-Chairman, summarised the work of the Committee which included reference to Local Government Reform and the Council’s Corporate Plan.


Local Government Reform

The Chief Executive introduced recommendation 30 and summarised the progress to date in relation to the formation of two joint committees as the forerunner to the potential creation of new authorities as an agreement between councils in Dorset. The County Council would be entitled to representation on both joint committees. 


Questions were asked about the membership of the joint committees and particularly whether places would be allocated based on geography.  It was explained by the Leader of the Council that appointments would be made outside of the meeting by Group Leaders. It was also indicated that there would be ongoing liaison with leaders of other councils in Dorset and the need to find the right spread of experience and talent.  However, it was also explained that there were likely to be workstreams which other members would be able to contribute to in due course.


In relation to the importance of engagement with Town and Parish Councils, concerns were expressed that the Dorset Association of Towns and Parish Councils had a lack of sense of urgency regarding LGR, and if workstreams would be added regarding work with Town and Parish Councils there would be a series of issues to consider.  The comments were noted, and it was highlighted that engagement with Town and Parish Councils needed to be as effective as possible, and there was also an important role for local members to play.


It was understood that Councils that opposed the submission to the Secretary of State to form new unitary councils were able to continue their opposition, but join the committees based on the ambition of closer cooperation and inclusiveness.  East Dorset District Council and Purbeck District Council had committed to take part in the joint committees, but other councils were still to consider the report in the coming weeks.


Following a request, it was agreed that the joint committees’ minutes would be presented directly to County Council to ensure transparency of each committee with members.


Special Educational Needs Budget

Cllr Kayes expressed concern about the addition of items to the Cabinet Forward Plan at short notice which meant that they could not be scrutinised by overview and scrutiny committees.  She then referred to minute 32 where it had been agreed to set up a half day review of the Special Educational Needs (SEN) budget.  However, within a week of this she had received a letter from a headteacher about a current consultation on SEN funding.  This had not been referred to at the meeting, even though officers would have known it was planned.  She asked why this had not been considered by a Committee and whether the consultation could be suspended until after the review had taken place..


It was noted that there had been conversations with the Department for Education on the higher needs block and the need to consult with schools on the SEN budget.  Members were reminded by the Corporate Director for Children, Adults and Communities that this was national funding which had not increased over a number of years even though demand had.  There was no intention to cut funding but it did need to be spent more wisely according to criteria.  The national funding had been increased by £1.3 billion although Dorset's share was as yet unknown.  She assured members that no decisions had been taken and that the matter would be referred to the People and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  The Director indicated that she was happy to discuss this further outside the meeting.


Dorset Education Performance 2016: Self Evaluation

In relation to minute 31, Cllr Kayes reported that she had been contacted by concerned parents about the proposal to cut or alter online services for young people, particularly those with mental health issues.  She was also aware of an online petition about the subject and asked for an update on the situation.  The Leader explained that a review of the service was being undertaken and that the seventeen families currently using the service had been sent letters the previous day.  These explained that each young person would have a personal transition plan which would provide a better value for money service which would provide the best education for them.  More information was to be sent to parents and members would receive a copy too.


Resolved (Unanimous)

That the report be adopted and Recommendation 30 be approved.


Recommendation 30 - Local Government Reform

1. That the proposal to establish two Joint Committees with other Councils across Dorset to support the development of the Future Dorset proposal for Local Government Reorganisation, aiming to deliver sustainable services across Dorset for the future be supported.

2. That the membership of the proposed Joint Committees with the County Council's seats being capped at six, irrespective of the number of councils that could join at a later date be supported.

3. That delegated authority be granted to Group Leaders to appoint councillors to the Joint Committees.


Reason for Recommendation

To enable Dorset County Council to form part of the governance arrangements that would support the progress of local government reform in Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole as part of the Future Dorset Submission made to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government in February 2017.

Supporting documents: